Monday, March 22, 2010

Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers:

This article was a relief to me for it gave a great explanation on WHY it is important to teach Hispanic literature. I keep hearing that it is important that we teach a multicultural curriculum, but sometimes feel that with to much emphasis on the minority, we forget about the majority. The two researcher who wrote this article make a great point when they write, "To only identify with the students in a way that confirms “we are all alike’’ encourages teacher candidates’ tendencies to want to use the educational system to make the children more like themselves. As their professors, we must provide the opportunity to explore and understand the value in how we are all different. If teacher candidates do not learn to recognize and value these differences, they will not be convinced that there is a real need to make sure the educational system values and addressesthese differences."
I also like the idea of not trying to be color blind. We need to value the idea that differences are what make a culture who they are. If we continusly believe that everyone is the same, this world is going to become real boring, real quick. I also like the idea of seeing the world from different perspectives. Not everything is based off the White man's logic.

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